1. Who Gave Him A Bow And Arrow?
You must be wondering how they got themselves into this situation, and we were thinking the same thing. Even the nurse looks confused.
Never, ever, give a young boy a bow and arrow because he might just use his father as target practice.
2. He Was Not Thinking About Saftey
It is ironic that he is hanging a sign up about safety yet there were no thoughts about safety running through his mind
Maybe he is taking the sign down because the company decided to make safety a second priority.
3. "Let's Put A Trampoline On The Roof. It Will Be Awesome."
They had finally managed to drag the trampoline to the roof and get it outside when their mom caught them.

They were just seconds away from the thrill of a lifetime or an untimely death.
4. The Headline Says It All
The city wants to know if this is their dumbest policeman. People are in disbelief that an officer would do something so idiotic. The newspaper says, "Even if the gun was made safe, mistakes can happen."
Don't officers go through training on how to handle a gun? Was this man fired from the force? Also, what was the reason he sat on it like this in the first place?
5. Protect Your Hair
While protecting your dreads may be important, protecting your head on a construction site is the whole point of a hard hat.

He has priorities and they include protecting his luscious locks. Clearly, his brain is not as important
6. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
We see potential instability in this ladder's future. What was he planning to do when the tree falls and the saw is still running?
Where is the woman is his life to tell him this is a bad idea? Let's hope he is ok and not cutting any more trees down.
7. "How Do I Get Down From Here?"
He managed to get up there to change the lightbulb, but how does he expect to get down?

Who designed this building, and how did they expect someone to change the lightbulb? What would you do?
8. This Looks Like Great Idea, No Danger Here
This man thought it would be a nice present to wash his mother's windows for Mother's Day even though she lives on the 30th floor. Why would he do this without thinking about falling?
In one gust of wind, he could have ruined Mother's Day forever. This was a nice idea but not well thought out.
9. Defying Gravity...For Now
"Hey, Brad, watch this!" "Ok, Chad, but let me get my beer first." Brad and Chad didn't think this idea through but decided to try it anyway.

Let's hope the broom didn't hit the side of the pool or else he is in for a world of pain. Maybe he was trying to be like Harry Potter, who knows.
10. "What's Going On Out There?"
Those icicles look very sharp and close to his head. One even looks like it about to go into his ear!

So maybe it is a depth perception thing, and he isn't in any kind of danger. Still, it would be dumb for someone to willingly put their head out of that window.
11. Innovative
This is a pretty creative (and dangerous) way to transport a ladder without a car. What would happen if the man in front sped up just a tiny bit?

Also, the man in the back is not wearing a helmet, but he probably wasn't thinking about safety, to begin with.
12. At Least He Has His Rubber Boots On
What happens when there is water that has electrical wires running through it? The water can electrocute you. Maybe he thought it would be smart if he wore rubber boots.

Ok, so the power must be turned off if he was playing with it because no one can be that dumb, right?
13. "Must Reach This One Spot"
First of all, how did he climb up there? Second, what happens when his wife comes home and tries to move the door?
This guy must have been a cat in a past life because that is the only way he could have managed to get on top of the door on his own.
14. When Shipping Charges Are Too Expensive
The one time you decide to drive your bike and the store happens to be having an amazing sale.
Sometimes risking your life to get your new tv home is worth the deal. He should at least be wearing a helmet.
15. He Is Auditioning For Cirque Du Soleil
Out of all the dangerous situations on this list, this has to be the safest. The worst thing to happen would be that he falls in the pool which he seems prepared for.

Out of all the things he could pick in his house, it is funny that he chose to stand on a rocking horse.
16. A Bucket For His Head And A Helmet For His Handle Bars
Why would you put a bucket on your head when there is a proper helmet sitting right in front of you?

The bucket also looks too small for his head, so how did he get it on? That is the biggest question.
17. Seems Like Good Pretection
Does this man not know that plastic melts quite easily? One of those sparks can hit his face an easily melt the bag to his face.
How do these people function in life when they make such dumb decisions for simple tasks.
18. That Is Not How It Is Supposed To Work
There is supposed to be a proper machine that controls the scaffold. While this may seem safe, there is always the possibility that one of the weights shifts and then it is all over.

The Occupational Saftey and Health Administration would not approve of these working conditions.
19. Jesus Take The Wheeeeelll
Young boys are notorious for doing dangerous things. Take this picture, for example. One of them thought that that small ramp would be a big enough jump to make it over the boy lying on the ground.

Also, the kid in the background looks like he knew none of this would work, but no one wanted to listen to him, so he decided to keep quiet and enjoy his ice pop.
20. He Is Very Trusting That They Won't Drop Him
"Don't worry, we are holding onto you." He must really trust his coworkers to hold onto him and not let go.
If he slips, there is no way they will be able to hold onto him by just his sweater.
21. When You Can't Find A Ladder, Make One Out Of People
"Sorry boys, there have been budget cuts so we can't afford to get you a ladder." What are they supposed to do now? They should make a human ladder of course.
How did the top person climb up there? This is an impressive human ladder and we want to know how they managed to perfect it.
22. This Is Scary Just To Look At
This man and his friend went cycling on the Cliffs of Moher. They don't seem to be afraid, but what if they lost balance or their tire slipped on some lose gravel?
Wouldn't you be scared to even walk on that small ledge? It looks like it is just barely wide enough for the tire, let alone a person's foot.
23. When You Refuse To Carry Something Up The Stairs
When you hear a knock on your window and it is the delivery man. You must be wondering why they are at your window and not your door.
The phrase, "can you give me a lift" was somehow lost in translation here. What could possibly go wrong?
24. Supportive Friends
That is one way to make sure the person doesn't fall off the ladder. It is comforting to know that he has such supportive friends
What is he even doing that requires him to stand on a rusty old ladder being supported by a plank of wood?
25. "Dude, Hold My Beer"
We can imagine that this stunt didn't end the way he expects. There are a few possible outcomes here. First, he hits the pile and flies off into the stairs.

Second, he lands on the pile of mattresses, and they all pop, leaving him injured and without a place to sleep.
26. He Didn't Want To Ruin A Perfectly Good Shovel
This man is a workplace safety legend. What would make you confidently stick your leg into a wood chipper?!?! He is holding a shovel which could have been used instead of his leg!!
He must be thinking, "handle of shovel or leg...well I have had this trust shovel since the winter of '99. My leg will go in instead."
27. Shopping Carts Are Good For More Than Just Shopping
This would have been smart if he had put stoppers behind the wheels of the cart, but no, that would be too smart.

He looks like a professional so why does he only have a small ladder and a shopping cart, of all things.
28. Accident Waiting To Happen
The guy in the middle knows this is a bad idea and he is holding his eyes closed praying nothing goes wrong.

Did someone tell them to start messing with a warhead? They must have miss understood when their commander told them to "knock it off."
29. Just An Average Day In The Neighborhood
Flipflops, check. Inside out basketball shorts, check. Doing something stupid and dangerous, check. All these things add up to a dumb plan made by teenage boys.
What was he trying to accomplish by standing on the moving car and holding onto the fridge? There has to be a good explanation.
30. "No Drinking Or Eating"
There is a sign that clearly states no eating or drinking is allowed. So what do these men do? Let's throw a party in here with food and drinks.
Even though the signs are for the room behind the door, it probably isn't one hundred percent safe to be eating and drinking that close to it.
31. When The Yoga Classes Pay Off
"Mike, you have been taking those yoga classes right?" "Uh, yeah." "Ok, can you get into a tabletop position, I need to stand on your back."

Let's all pray that he is keeping his core tight so he doesn't let the other man fall.
32. Now Slide To The Left...
This is the painter's version of the cha-cha slide. It is highly advanced. They are skilled painters and dancers, a useful combination.
They just have to be careful they don't close their legs too tight or else that is going to be a pretty painful fall.
33. Did They Run Out Of Real Obstacles?
When you are playing poker with your buddies, and you have nothing left to bet, but you refuse to give up hope, so they decide what happens if you lose.

The guy on the left seems to find this dangerous stunt pretty comical. Wouldn't you like to know the context behind this picture because we want to.
34. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It is nice to see that he is upcycling, but this is still not the proper face protection for this job. It is slightly better than the guy with the plastic bag at least.
If he is on a worksite, why didn't they provide him with the proper gear to do this job?
35. Forklifts On Forklifts
How many forklifts does it take to get lift this to the top floor? Did the boss approve of this method?

Sometimes ideas may seem great in your head and they should stay in your head instead of becoming a hazard to your life.
36. You Can See The Sparkle In His Eyes
Unlike the past two men, this guy gave up on any kind of facial protection. Does he not realize this is extremely dangerous?
This is a great way to lose your eyebrows, eyelashes, and eyes. That must be painful.
37. Who Is Supposed To Be Controlling This?
Is he sure he wants to trust an unattended machine to hold that piece of cement over his head? Instead of anyone helping him, someone decided to take this picture instead.
Hopefully, no one comes along without seeing him and thinks that the block was left up by mistake, and tries to put it back in its place.
38. "Think Safety, Work Safely"
Was he thinking of safety? No. Was he working safely? Also no. Despite the drill in his hand, he does not look like he is supposed to be up there.
Where is this and what is he trying to fix without any other tools or assistance.
39. "How's It Hanging?"
Why is the man on the left just hanging out like there is no work to be done? Also, the water looks like it could take the ladder away at any moment.
While it looks like a fun place to hang out, there must be a better use of his time than sitting around watching someone else do dangerous work.
40. The Mighty Thor
At that moment, he knew he shouldn't have let his friend throw the hammer. Seconds later, his teeth were all gone, probably.

His friend is mighty Thor, and he is going to be mighty thor tomorrow.
41. He Might Be Wining After This Fall
He just had to have the wine bottle in the back of the top shelf.
Why couldn't he take the wine he was able to reach? He is making his life so much more difficult.
42. Is That Fire?
We have so many questions regarding this picture. Are these the boys from earlier all grown up? Did they still think this would be a good idea? Also, why is there a fire?

It's also amazing that he is riding a bike that has a basket on it. It would make him that much cooler if he pulled off this stunt.
43. At Least He Harnessed Himself To The Ladder
Is someone giving away all the Ikea furniture for free? Also, if he is harnessed to the ladder and the ladder falls, what protection does he have?
Isn't it also dangerous to be holding onto power lines? What is this man thinking? Probably nothing.
44. There Has To Be A Better Way To Do This
"Ok, I'll hold onto your legs while you finish the job. Don't worry I got you." The person holding him looks so disinterested that if he got a text, he would probably let go of the other guy.

The only other way to do this would most likely be with a ladder, and we all know what happens with men and ladders.
45. "I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends"
"Hey Pappaw can you bring your tractor down the road to help me and Cletus out real quick?"
This looks like a dangerous game of human Jenga. How many people does it take to change a lightbulb?
46. Seems Sturdy
This looks like an accident waiting to happen. While paint cans may be made out of metal, and seem sturdy, it probably isn't safe to put it on top of a ladder and stand on it.
If he wobbles even a little, he will be tumbling down. And, that paint will be over his clean floors and freshly painted walls.
47. Use Your Friends Wisely
Do you trust your friends enough to not drop the ladder that is holding you up? Would you even put yourself in this position?

The guy on the ladder doesn't seem to be nervous about his friend letting go. Hopefully, his friend's arms don't get tired, that would be bad.
48. "Take My Picture, I'm Going To Use It For My Tinder"
Well if smoking doesn't kill you, doing this might. He seems to have done this before based on his missing eyebrows.
Probably not the safest decision considering he is in a room full of gas tanks that are probably flammable.
49. He Forgot How To Use The Ladder
Maybe this was a genius idea or pure stupidity. Who knows? We are pretty sure the ladder is supposed to be used the other way around, but we aren't experts.
He had to be creative to figure this one out. Although, the top of ladders aren't for standing, so they probably shouldn't be used as a base to hold your weight.
50. Creative Cleaning Strategy
How did he manage to get up there? Did he slide from the other side? It must be hard to slide backward on such a thin ledge.
This must be normal because no one seems to be looking at the strange man mopping the ledge.