A Ghostly Family
This must be a family of half ghosts because their legs seem to have disappeared from the picture. Maybe they borrowed Harry Potters invisibility cloak and wrapped it around their legs.
Surprisingly, this was used in a magazine considering the photoshop mistake is so obvious. The publishers probably thought no one would notice the couple doesn't have legs.
Who Is That Girl Staring Back At Me?
This looks like something straight out of a horror movie. Her inner demon has finally revealed itself and it is terrifying.
She is an adorable little girl, and the editors ruined it by making her look like she is two-faced.
Her Neck Might Be Rubber
Is she okay? Someone should check that her neck is not broken, or maybe the shower is meant to be for people with broken necks.
Also, who puts their face that close to a showerhead? That is not normal. Continue reading to see more messed up necks.
When Your Torso Is On Backwards
Was it too hard to find a model that could be photographed with the briefs on correctly? Why did they let this pass because that is not the right placement for those parts?
The least they could have done was find a picture to photoshop it onto the right side of his body.
A Floating Arm To Protect The Baby
Never leave your child unattended in the bath again because you can now use the floating arm.

Parents could get so many things accomplished while their child is in the bath. Just leave one arm in the bathroom and continue with the rest of your housework.
Where Did The Rest Of The Horse Go?
Fashion magazines make unrealistic body standards for women, and now they are doing it to horses too. When horses see this, they will feel bad because they can't attain those body standards.

If you look closely at the photo, they also replaced her legs with horse legs. Some editor must have had a wild imagination while photoshopping this.
She Must Be Fast With That Long Arm
That is one long arm that would come in handy for swimming fast. Maybe that's what you get when you sign up for an unlimited membership.
The more you swim, the longer your arms get, right? That must be what they are trying to tell us.
Someone Put Her Leg On The Wrong Way
Either they did a horrible photoshop job or she is seriously injured. How did no one spot this before it was printed?
No one's leg naturally turns around like that. It is humanly impossible unless it is a fake leg.
That Plane Is Flying Very Low
That woman seems very calm, considering the plane would be seconds away from crashing into the Hudson River if it was flying that low.
Would you want to fly with that airline after seeing this advertisement? Probably not, but they promise you some fantastic views.
How To Play A Guitar Without Touching It
Would you take guitar lessons from someone who doesn't even know how to hold a guitar? We are pretty sure the first thing you learn is how to hold the guitar properly, and they aren't doing that.
This gives "air guitar" a whole new meaning. When they were posing for the cover, they must have asked someone to edit in the guitars when they could have held them for the original picture.
They Gave Her T-Rex Arms
What happened to Giada De Laurentiis' arms? It says she is known for her "warm personality and creative approach," but not her large head and tiny body.
She is a beautiful woman, and this pasta box picture does not do her justice. They made her into a real-life caricature.
That Thigh Gap Is Intense
First of all, no one's thighs look like that. They must have taken the eraser tool and removed her inner thigh. It looks even worse from behind.

If her legs weren't crossed they would be so far apart with a thigh gap like that. Can companies stop making unrealistic bodies to promote their products?
How To Not Use A Selfie Stick
That is definitely not how selfie sticks are supposed to work. They are supposed to be taking the picture but it is from the wrong direction.
Why does the selfie stick not include an iPhone? People might miss that disclaimer and buy the stick in hopes that the phone is included.
When You Forget To Draw Your Nipples On
When Chrissy Teigen was on the cover of GQ Mexico, her nipples mysteriously disappeared. People immediately noticed the photoshop mistake and Teigen had the best response.
She tweeted, "I have no nipples. I draw them on with sharpie each morning and sometimes I forget." You can always count on Chrissy Teigen to make you laugh.
She Must Be A Bad Dancer With Two Right Feet
Ally Brooke is a member of the girl group, Fifth Harmony, and they did a cover shoot for Billboard. When the cover came out, there was one very noticeable photoshop fail; she had two right feet.
Was there something wrong with her left foot that they had to replace it? Brooke tweeted about the editing mistake and said, "When you are trying to look cute even though you got two right feet."
Those Peas Are Suspiciously Perfect
It must be the food of the future because those peas are hovering over the rice. It could be a new type of pea that has anti-gravity properties, it will be the newest thing in weight loss.
Why are there only seven peas on this dish? Peas are typically not used as a garnish, so whoever orders this is getting ripped off.
Giant Man Or Tiny Rocks
Scaling is an important part of photography and editing. You need to make sure the background is the right size compared to the person. This man looks like a giant diving into the ocean.
He would probably hit his head on the rocks, and that would end poorly. The editors should have been more aware of the size of the background compared to the man.
Only Clones Can Apply
This company posted this job listing, and they claim to have a diverse group of employees, but it seems like they used a bunch of clones to represent their employees.

They took a small group of people and then copied and pasted them in different patterns to fill the picture.
On The Edge Of Glory
There are so many things wrong with this photo. She has a random hand next to her foot and her leg seems to be detached from her body.

Her one foot is also extra-long. This whole ad has so many problems; we wonder why they used it because this is a big cosmetic company that can afford a good photo editor.
Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Photoshop
What was wrong with the length of her neck before they edited it? Why did they have to give her a giraffe neck?
Chanel is a luxury brand; they should be able to afford a good editor and someone to review the work before it is released.
Add Some More Babies
If Brad and Angelina didn't have enough children already, the magazine would add some for them. Collectively they have six children, but this magazine thought that wasn't enough.

It seems that Brad was walking too far behind, so they photoshopped him closer but forgot to remove his body from the background.
Squid Women
Although there are only three girls pictured, there are seven sets of legs. Do these women have extra legs like octopuses or squids?
It just does not make sense why they would format the ad like this as if no one would think that the legs belong to the women above.
Her Jaw Hit The Floor
"Oh, here she comes, watch out, she'll chew you up, she's a maneater." She might be able to fit a human in her mouth if she doesn't have a lower jaw.

What happened to the lower half of her jaw? Is she going to eat the woman standing next to her? The girl next to her looks scared by the lack of a lower jaw.
Invisible Umbrellas
This is one of the less obvious editing mistakes. You have to take a second to look at the photo to realize that they are reflections of umbrellas that don't exist.
Why did they photoshop the umbrellas out of the picture in the first place? It is a bad reflection on their work.
The World's Longest Arms
It looks like Slender Man also wears pajamas. It's nice to know that he is just like the rest of us.
What was the point of extending his arms this much? Were they extremely short to begin with?
They Forgot To Remove Something In The Background
This is a case when photoshop was needed, but not used. It seems that the editor forgot to remove the naked man from the background.
No wonder the kids are running away, they just saw a naked man on the beach. Their faces even look like they are laughing at him.
Trying To Build The Perfect Family
It appears that the original family was not cutting it so they replaced all their faces with random people that look nothing alike.
The baby is Asian, but no one else in the family is, and the husband's face looks like he has a curve filter on it.
They Couldn't Get An Actual Picture Of The Car Driving?
Mazda is a major auto company that can afford to take a picture of the car driving on the road instead of using photoshop.
If you squint and look at it from far away, it almost seems reasonable until you open your eyes and realize it is a 2-D car on a 3-D road.
The Man With Many Hands
The University's president must be very hands-on with the extra hand he has. He might be a secret mutant, but the secret is out now because he revealed the extra arm.
When someone asks for a helping hand he will never say no, and that is the key to being a good president.
Shrinking Arm Syndrome
When you skip arm day too many times, this is what happens. His arms would be perfect if you ever locked your keys in the car and needed someone to reach through the unlock it.
The 25% off means that you are getting 25% less suit. That's how they help you save money.
Someone Got A Great Deal On This House
According to this advertisement, this woman sold her house for a low price of nine dollars. Of course, your home will sell faster if it is at a price that low.
If they were going to use money, at least make it fake 100's so it a bit more believable. She is smiling as if she just made a fantastic sale.
Obama Holds His Own Hands And Michelle's
Why did they feel the need to photoshop Obama holding his wife's hand? They can walk and not hold hands, and still be in love
He said, "Move aside Michelle, my new hand needs me more." It's always a new hand that ruins a relationship.
Samsung Sees The Future
The dancing couple is doing one pose, but the picture shows them doing another pose. It seems that this new Samsung phone can predict the future.
That must be a very expensive phone because of the advanced technology it possesses.
Instead of MasterCard, they are now introducing the HoverCard. It is the same as a regular credit card, except for the fact that it hovers above your hand when you spend money.
If it's not hovering, then this woman has sticky fingers and you should keep an eye on your wallet around her.
Maybe They Asked To Be Turned Into Sims
The "professional" photographer was hired to take pictures and edit them, but we wouldn't recommend hiring him for your own photos.
Wouldn't you ask for a re-shoot or your money back if you got these? Why were their faces turned into creepy avatars?
It must be a pain to find a wide enough collar for that dog; It has such a thick neck. This hybrid of a retriever and llama will fetch the ball and then spit on you.
What was the photo editor thinking? "This dog is cute, but he would be even cuter with a longer neck."
Are They In A Car Or Their Living Room
Do they drive an enormous car with a sofa in it or do they have a car dashboard design in their home? There are so many confusing things about this picture.
The boy looks like he is about to say he has no idea what is going on or who those people are. Also, what does the random phone have to do with anything?
A Dog That Doesn't Poop
If they hated its butt so much, why didn't they take a different picture of it from a different angle? Real dogs have butts; it is part of nature.
He looks worried that he won't be able to go to the bathroom anymore. Why are there beauty standards for pug butts now?
That Plane Is About To Crash Into The Wall
If you see this view from the plane window you should probably start to panic because you are about to crash into the Great Wall Of China.
These airlines are giving travelers unrealistic ideas about what kind of view they will get when flying to specific destinations.
The Number Of Squares In The Waffle Don't Match The Iron
This mistake is hard to catch unless you sit an count how many squares are in the waffle and how many are on the waffle maker.
So the person may be bad at math, but their photoshop skills are fine compared to some of the other mistakes on our list.
The Headless Horseman Is Now A Model
Excuse me, sir, you seem to be missing something. If they didn't want to include the model, then why leave his hands in the picture?
If it is the Headless Horseman, it is nice to see that he got himself a job after the whole Crane business. He is really turning his life around.
They Gave Her Wolverine Fingers
Why did they make her hand look like that? It seems like a horrifying animal mauled her hand, or she has a set of claws.
The editor gave her a Freddy Krueger looking hand, and no one thought to fix it.
Seems Legit
From the gondola in the back to the poorly photoshopped people next to an unrealistic grill, this photo is bad.
The only thing that would make this photo more staged would be a stock photo watermark over it.
Misplaced Belly Button
The woman in the red seems to have a belly button on her ribs. It could be a stomach dimple, but that is usually something they would remove to give the appearance of pure perfection.
It just looks so strange to have been left in this Victoria's Secret ad.
Her Hips Don't Lie
That is one large hip. Kim Kardashian is nervous that someone is coming for her aesthetic. This also makes her torso look very long.

This shapewear will definitely give you an interesting shape. Hopefully, it won't be as exaggerated as the ad.
Jennifer Aniston Must Be A Yoga Master
What happened to Jennifer Aniston's body? They made her head look too large and her arm too small.

She is definitely next level because no one else can achieve these proportions or poses.
She's A Very Tall Lady
This woman seems to have three feet of extra leg. They are unrealistically long compared to her surroundings.
With legs as long as hers, she can go up the stairs in one step. Even her shoes look like they have been elongated.
The Fame Went To His Head
"How do we sell our underwear?" "Let's make his head extra larger." The size of his head takes away from the fact that the ad is for underwear.
With all the fame he is receiving now, his head must be even bigger than it was in this picture.
Wrong Reflection
If they are going to have a reflection on their billboard, shouldn't the reflection match the picture? It is a simple thing to do, yet they somehow messed it up.
Maybe the reflection is the phone that will be released after this one and they are trying to do a secret preview.
Models Are Expensive And Hard To Work With
A model was too expensive for this company, so they took a picture and photoshopped the headphones onto the model.
If you see an ad like this, you probably shouldn't buy the product because it is most likely a knockoff of the real thing.
Wouldn't it be funny if you opened the book and the same dog was on every page instead of other dog breeds?
Three dogs would have been challenging to work with, so they decided to clone the one dog they could find for the cover. Three is always better than one, right?
They Didn't Do Kate Walsh Justice
This is a promo for a show called Bad Judge, and they must have wanted to portray an unrealistic body for women to look up to.

No one looks like that, not even the actress herself. You know a show is doomed from the start when the promo photos are bad.
The Baby's Legs Are Not Right
Is that baby okay? It looks like its legs are all twisted up. Why would they make the baby's feet turned in different directions?
How do these images get used without someone correcting them first? Isn't there an inspection before things are printed?
Mysterious Hand
This woman married a handyman clearly. He had three hands, according to this picture.

These extra hands will be useful to grab all the deals Target is promoting. They can get double the amount of stuff in a shorter time.
Does Gigi Hadid Have Very Long Arms?
In her now infamous Vogue cover, model Gigi Hadid has an extra-long arm. When the cover came out, everyone noticed how strange it looked.
Somehow her forearm goes past Kendall Jenner and all the way to Ashley Graham. It is a bit odd.