Aladdin Has Aged Now
Now that Disney’s Aladdin (2019) has hit the theaters, you should know that this is the real Aladdin.
It is a bit surprising that he has aged so quickly. Maybe that’s what love does to you!
Angelic Firefighter
This photo perfectly depicts firefighters as angels. After all, they risk their lives to save others.
This perfectly timed photo shows that not all heroes wear capes. Some have angelic wings as well.
Dilma Rousseff Getting Stabbed
Although it is just optical illusion, this is such a convincing photo that definitely deserves a spot in our list.

We can assume that this photo could’ve been taken by the photographer from another angle.
Relative of Pegasus
You can think of it as a distant relative of Pegasus or a cousin of Buckbeak from Harry Potter.
Nevertheless, it is a perfectly snapped photo that is certainly magnificent.
When Toilet is Calling You
Who knows maybe this toilet leads you to another world. It is surely not from the Harry Potter film series.
It is more of a toilet that shines like this whenever you need it in an emergency.
Winning the Ignoring Competition
We are not sure why two rows of judges are ignoring the gymnast here. No one really knows the exact reason.

It is believed that the judges thought they were in a competition of “Best Ignorers” in the world.
Miss Ostrich
This is a perfect case of illusion at its best. At first glance, you may think an ostrich has some really great-looking black hair.
Even the ostrich has wings that have no hair on them. Looks legit, right?
The Struggles of a Substitute Teacher
First of all, this picture is super funny due to how perfectly the word “help” is placed on this teacher’s forehead.
Secondly, his expressions tell the story as well. Indeed, the struggle is real for this substitute teacher.
A Cat With Six Packs
Anyone who has ever kept a cat knows that these little fluff balls love boxes or anything in which they can fit themselves.
This photo shows that the cat is showing off how hard it has worked to get a six-pack.
Not only was the photographer at the right place at the right time, but even this girl was also meant to be there at that moment.

The fact that the color of her overcoat matches the color of angelic wings; it is a perfect example of flawlessness.
Death Wearing Red
The photographer was taking random photos of his mother when he took this "scary as hell" photo.
We must say that it is one scary picture that surely doesn’t have any place in the photo album.
Lightning & Rainbow
In this picture, there are two natural phenomenons and then there is one man-made plane.
As the plane is flying through a rainbow, lightning strikes it and luckily no one was hurt.
Magical Hair
You may think that these are two photos taken at different times, but if you look closely you’ll see that they are taken within a short period of time.

We have no explanation of how the hair magically disappeared. Who knows maybe that was a disguise?
Special Customer
There is nothing unusual about this picture, it is just a doggo grabbing a coffee before going to work.
If you find this photo unusual, keep on scrolling down because more “ordinary” pictures are coming your way.
We Know Your Secret
This photo is super hilarious because it is perfectly aligned. Even it looks like the guy on the extreme right knows it as well.
This photo was taken at the airport in Tel Aviv, Israel.
A Perfect Sunset
We can only imagine how long this photographer waited to capture this amazing shot.
Considering various factors such as weather and the sun not setting in the same place on the horizon every day, you really need a lot of luck by your side to take a photo like this one.
“But First, Let Me Take a Selfie”
This is called taking a once in a lifetime photo. You’d have to take a double look at this photo.

The falcon looks a bit surprised. Who knows it actually came by the window to check its hair before going on a date.
Truck Stealing The Sun
Aha…we’ve got this figured. We all were told that the sun actually sets in the evening. In reality, a truck loads it and takes it away every evening.
Whether the truck was trying to steal the sun or not, it is a perfectly timed photo that definitely deserves a spot in this list.
Mesmerizing Wave
Such a mind-blowing picture that surely needs to win some sort of a photography award.
This photo shows how much-underrated water is and we totally agree with it.
Powerful Bumblebee
Here is an example of being in the right place at the right time. This is a stunning photo without any doubt.
We all have heard that ants and bees can carry many times their own weight, but carrying the weight of the sun is simply remarkable.
Hottest Body
This is a “Purrfect” snap! The cat doesn’t look surprised because she knows that she has a great body.
We just can’t say anything else because no amount of words can do justice to the beauty of this hottie.
Superhero Dad
As we can see in this picture, almost everyone is trying to avoid the baseball bat… except for the superhero dad.
We can’t stop but thinking what is that guy on the extreme right of this photo trying to do. Is he trying to stop the baseball bat mid-air by using his special power?
Alien Horse
We all remember the famous movie Alien in which the Xenomorph has two mouths. Well, this is a lot scarier.
It looks as if this horse has come from another universe. Who knows maybe this horse will play the leading role in the next alien movie.
Perfect makeup for Halloween
We must admit that this is one scary photo that will haunt you forever. And we are sorry for including it in our list (or maybe we are not).

One thing can be said here that you must never blink while having your photo taken, especially when you are wearing white eyeshadow.
There is nothing special about the grill in this picture. Look closely to find a unique cat having a nap.
Just like Elastigirl or Mrs. Incredible can stretch any part of her body, this cat is the superhero of her world.
Sand Dive
This is a really great shot that was taken right at the moment when the jumper hit the sand.

Okay some people may claim that they are seeing something else in the sand, we will not clarify it for you (btw, we think the same as well).
Yoga Benefits?
If you have some bizarre fantasies, you better try yoga. At least this is what this photo is implying.
Hey, don’t judge us for thinking like it. We are only saying what we are seeing.
Extreme Sun Tan
This is the kind of sun tan you get when you don’t wear a shirt all summer.
Remember the episode of TV show Friends in which Ross gets a tan?
Hair Sniffer
A compliment of “your hair smells good” is good enough and you don’t need to start sniffing their hair.
This is the beauty of a perfectly timed photo; it shows you something that is completely opposite side of the coin.
A Rare Photo
In this photo, we can see an airplane is silhouetted against the first solar eclipse of the decade.
This amazing photo was captured in Bangkok, Thailand in 2010.
Perfect Hair
Children like to dress like their mamas, right? This picture shows that the foal just wants to be like its mother.
We can imagine that this foal just can’t wait to grow up and be like its mama.
Batman Looking for Some “Action”
Okay before you start judging batman for this, just consider that Catwoman is okay with it.
We just find this picture super hilarious and there was no way for us to not include this in our list (lol).
Have you watched the movie Birdman? If yes, then here is a real-life birdman for you.
We can only assume that the birdman was tired of flying, so he decided to walk. What a cool guy.
We must admit that this photo of Bigfoot’s childhood shows a completely different side.
Who knew Bigfoot was so cute. Seriously, we are speechless here.
Chief Vitamin Water
The chief is surveying his domain with “bottle feature” on his head and it seems so real.
We just hope that he is happy with everyone doing their job correctly. He looks a bit grumpy; maybe he should drink some of that water.
4-Winged Goose
The goose wanted to meet his friends for a great night out, but the distance was too long.
So, the goose decided to grow an extra pair of wings to fly faster. It is a totally believable and rational explanation.
Tree of Life
We can only imagine how the photographer must’ve felt after capturing this amazing photo. We are speechless.
The tree in this photo looks like a “Tree of Life.” Surely it is a photo that reminds us how beautiful trees are.
Timing is Everything
This is probably one of the most amazing perfectly timed shots ever. At first, it looked like the mermaid finally discovered she has legs.
It may look painful, but the lady is perfectly fine. Phew!
This is How You Take a Pool Photo
Take note everyone. This is how you should always take a pool photo
And please just give this guy an award for showing off in a manner that we are actually applauding it.
Pufferfish Photobomb
So the unsuspecting diver was minding his own business when this pufferfish decided to check what’s going on.
At first, we thought that maybe this species has decided to wear swimming gear (guess we were wrong).
Holding Up The Ocean in One Hand
This is without a doubt a stunning shot. It looks beautiful and empowering at the same time.
Not many people will realize it the photographer must have put a lot of hard work into this shot.
Making A Treble Clef
Who knew earphones (mostly) used to listen to music could make a treble clef as well.
While most of us find it difficult to untangle our earphones, these ones are surely special.
"I Don’t Need a Boat”
First of all, the timing of this photo is great. Secondly, the reflection of this guy in the water is amazing as well.
And by the way, who needs a boat when you can just skim over the water like this guy.
The Invisible Hockey Player
We all know how many fights erupt between players in ice hockey games, right? This is just one of those fights.

However, what makes this fight so unique is that one player is fighting with an invisible player.
"Hey, I Love You Man”
This photo shows why you need to turn off the TV before taking a picture.
We can’t say for sure whether the player is sniffing this guy or telling him that he loves him.
"What Are Those?"
It seems as if Pedro Pascal is as confused as we are right now. He certainly has no idea what this person is wearing.
It is said that the actor is still waiting for the answer and so are we. Seriously, what are those?
Beer Abuse
Once you see this photo, you can’t un-see it. After all, it plays with your mind.
It looks as if one footballer is pouring his beer onto another player, but it also looks as if the other player has a towel on his head.
Like we said earlier, it just takes one right moment to take a perfect picture. Well, this is a great example of that.
This photographer took a photo of his brother and it looks as if he is ready to save our planet from bad guys.
A Great Shot
It looks quite obvious that it took a lot of preparation and work for the photographer to take this amazing picture.
From the looks of this photo, it seems as if the dimensions are melting together.
Simpsons Lovers
This photo shows that there are two admirers of The Simpsons here; the person who is watching it on TV and the other one has Marge on his Van.
Even Homer Simpson is a bit confused to see Marge Simpson. Maybe he is doing something he is not supposed to do
Wind Turbine Flower
When there are fourteen wind turbines operating in a row, this is what you are going to get.
It looks like a flower that has frozen. Nevertheless, it is an amazing photo.
Perfectly Timed Shot!
Oh, don’t worry…the owl isn’t going to snatch the mouse. It just wanted to drop the mouse to its location.
Even if the owl is planning on eating the mouse, it is the food chain and that’s how it works.
Lightning in a Rainbow
First of all, this picture is simply breathtaking. Secondly, it is a perfectly timed photo that definitely deserved a spot on this list.
It looks like a video game in which lightning has to stay in the double rainbow. You go out, you lose the game.
An Escape
Okay, even though a shuttle makes a lot of noise, this still looks like a peaceful picture.
Some may say that it is a fake picture, but even if it is then the person who photoshopped it deserves a pay raise.
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell
So, this photographer took a photo of his fire pit and caught two famous cartoon characters.
The more you look at this photo, the more you start to notice the similarities.
Impeccable Timing
If you think that this isn’t perfect timing, then you haven’t ever tried taking a photo of a pet dog.
The doggo seems confident and we are so happy to include this picture in our list. We feel blessed!
Skydiving Into Burning Man
This photographer took a photo of his friend skydiving into Burning Man and we have to admit that it is a super cool photo.
It is also a perfect profile photo material. By the way, he looks super high (ahem).
A Snap That Matters
Behold, presenting the flying fluffy doggo that will just melt your heart.

Even if it just a normal doggo photo, we would’ve still included it in our list. We are not barbarians, okay!
A Happy Dad
In this photo, you can see three different facial expressions and all of them tell you a different story.
The dad looks happy, the mother looks shocked and the kid, well, he seems relaxed (not for too long though).
Ice-Cream Thief
So this guy went to the beach to enjoy the breeze and have an ice-cream under the sun. What could go wrong?
Well, this little thief wanted to have a little bite as well. Maybe the birdy has a sweet tooth.
Is He Wearing High Heels?
Hey, we are never going to judge anyone even if they wear high heels, but this looks super strange.
Thankfully, it is due to the chair legs and the guy’s posture.
Cat With a Human Nose
We know that cats have evolved over the years, but we did not know that they have evolved this much.
According to the person who took this photo, this is the best photo they have ever taken.
What Are You Doing?
At first glance, it looks as if this guy has parenting all figured out (or maybe not).
But let’s be fair, optical illusion can be really, really misleading and that is what’s happening in this photo.
Turning into a Todd
This is a clear case of “evolution went wrong.” Maybe she shouldn’t have kissed the frog.
Jokes apart, the picture does give you a scary feeling (or is it just us who feel scared).
What are the Odds, Right?
It is said that this statue was purposefully placed there so that one day someone would come there and pose just like it.
We still can’t figure out whether he did it on purpose or not.
It Was All Written in the Destiny
The picture on the calendar is showing how people would eat their words when they see a cat fit in the red box.
Well, this cat decided to ensure that it sticks to the plan. Such a magnificent creature it is!
Spark Ricocheting off The Ear
We didn’t know that this man’s ear is made of steel or not. The spark actually deflected off it.
The fact that he is also smoking a cigarette (which is quite dangerous), it definitely makes you question everything.
Seafoam Splash
Although this may seem like a picture taken without much effort, it actually takes a lot of concentration.
The seafoam splash was captured at a thousandth of a second.
A Scene from a Horror Movie
This may look like a simple photo, but if you look closely then you can notice something really haunting in this picture.
It looks as if there are some people hanging from the tree. You better wash your vehicle quickly.
Perfect Shot
What makes it an awesome shot is the amazing visual demonstration that is very unique.

With the help of this shot, we now know how one can run on water.
Someone Worthy Holding The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Yayyy….we are so glad someone worthy finally got the chance to hold the leaning tower of Pisa (not unworthy people).
Doggo looks super happy here. After all, he knows that he is “The One” who rightfully deserves this honor.
Timing is the Key
Although the timing is really important, you need some heavy luck on your side to take a photo like this one.
It looks as if the cliff is spinning the moon as a pro basketball player does it on his finger
“I Got Skills, What You Got?”
You can thank us later for showing you a picture of a horse twerking (at least it is something new).

This horse certainly knows what it is doing, what about you?
You Are What You Eat
We can only assume that this picture was taken accidentally. But who knows…except for the photographer.

It looks like an earthworm in place of a human head. Even if it seems like something else, we won’t mention it here.
French-Kissed a Doggo
Although it is not recommended to French-kiss a dog, maybe the girl wanted to try something different (we are not judging her).
She claims it was an accident, but the only one surprised in this picture is the doggo.
Oh Deer... Is That a Parratolope?
This breed of parrot is considered one of the rarest one in the world.
The best part is that only females have antler and they have actually killed a lot of humans with their…cuteness.
A Once in A Lifetime Photo
So, this woman was intrigued by the storm and wanted to take a photo of palm trees. What could go wrong?
As she snapped the photo, she accidentally captured lightning hitting one of the palm trees.
Not the Right Time
So this bridesmaid was having a great time. However, she passed out at a really bad time.
She fainted and fell at the exact moment the priest said: “you may kiss the bride.”
A Doggo Trying to Catch the Ball
From the looks of this picture, it seems as if it is the dog Olympics. Hold on, this could be a cool idea, right?
Well, if ever a dog Olympics is organized, we are 101% certain that this doggo would win all “bone-medals.”
Cool Sunglasses
Who knew Buddha was so cool. The Buddha sunglasses look a bit robotic, but we don’t care.

Given that it looks hot there, we are sure the Buddha needed these glasses.
Accidental Shot
Although the person who took this photo blames the bird for ruining it, we believe that the bird actually made it more awesome.
Many people take photos of a sunset, but this one has become special… thanks, birdy.
Perfection Everywhere
First of all, this picture is taken at a perfect time. Secondly, the reflexes of the player are really good as he ducked really quickly to avoid getting completely wet.

You don’t see many perfectly timed pictures in which people avoid the inevitable.
Are the Policemen Dancing on the Crime Scene?
Imagine the song “You can’t touch this” and then look again at this photo.
It is believed that this photo was taken right when the policemen were having a dance-off on who is going to pay for the donuts.
A Lucky, Lucky Photo
When this guy went to Sri Lanka, he didn’t expect to get hold of such an amazing picture at the end of his trip.
This guy was lucky enough to get this photo. We are sure it would take a lot of re-attempts to get even close to this one.
Perfectly Captured Reaction
This person wanted to launch fireworks. It sounded like a good idea at first.
His wife captured his least manly picture of launching fireworks.
What Can Be Done Now…
This was the moment when she knew she was never going to see her phone again.
Perhaps, she learned her lesson and never jumped to take a photo anywhere near water.
Mysterious Triumphant Ghost
It looks as the monster named “smokehead” is finally free and ready to haunt the photographer.
On a second look, it also seems like the monster is flexing his muscles. Don’t you think?
A Helpful Sun
Although the sun in this photo looks super creepy, we should not forget that it is helping release this navy officer’s tension with a shoulder rub.
Even a shoulder rub have started to look creepy now. So, we are just going to say that the sun is being supportive.
Can You Do This?
No, we can’t but we don’t care much. Why? Well, we have seen this doggo and that’s all that matters to us.
You may have tried doing it but it is highly expected that you failed. Admit it, you can’t be super cool like this doggo.
Realizing the The True Power of The Force
This was the moment when this kid realized he can be cast in the next Star Wars movie.
It goes without saying that this kid looks straight out of a comic book.
A Good Spot to Sit
The little birdy just wanted to sit somewhere before going to meet his group.

Instead of finding a rock or something else, the birdy found the most perfect spot on earth.
Jumper Cow
We thought cow only jumps over the moon. Guess we were wrong.
We can notice that the dogs are regretting their decision and wondering “what have we done?”
Tony Stark's Dog Having a Good Time
Ignore Tony Stark in this picture. Look at the extreme right to feel super jealous.
Some people may not admit it but Tony Stark’s doggo is having way more fun than them.
The Moment The Wave Came For A Hug
We just noticed that this picture is similar to the famous scene of the horror movie “The Shining.”
However, it is an ocean style movie The Shining. Nevertheless, it is a great capture.
Twin Tales
This is such a beautiful picture that we had this irresistible temptation to include it in our list.
There is no doubt in saying that waves have such captivating effect on people, especially when you see waves such as these two.
Impressive Kid
Although the daughter of this person is crawling, it seems as if she is writing profanity.
We must admit that it is some impressive penmanship.
Tree Hair
Now, this is a photo that is perfectly timed and super hilarious. This guy has a really peculiar hairstyle.
But we are not going to judge him. Who knows maybe he is an environmentalist and wanted to let the people know about the importance of trees.
Goalkeeping Goals
These cats are setting some serious goalkeeping goals for professional football players.
We are sure there are two goalkeepers allowed in the cat football game.
Classic Dad Reaction
This picture shows the dad knew all along what was going to happen.
It is a beautiful picture that shows parenting can be fun as well (wink wink).
Ready to Land
This little birdy is happy to find food and is ready to make a landing.
This picture is super cute and we would’ve felt bad for not including it in our list.